One of the stages of configuring the store is to set the shipping methods for the order. Depending on your business strategy, you can make available to your customers multiple delivery options for their purchased products. In this guide, we show how to quickly add delivery methods in Shopware 6 and how to configure them according to their operating conditions. 2024/11/27

How to enter the omnichannel world
We like convenience. We also value freedom of choice. This applies not only to leisure or work life, but also shopping. We want brands to adapt to our individual preferences. And it is these needs of shoppers that have contributed to the development of omnichannel in the world of e-commerce.

The Omnibus Directive and its consequences for e-commerce
To harmonize and modernize EU consumer protection regulations, at the end of 2019, the EU released the 2019/2161 (EU) Directive, commonly known as the Omnibus Directive. It introduces several changes with a significant impact on e-commerce in the European Union.

Logistics in e-commerce and the last mile problem
Last mile logistics is the final step in the process of delivering an order to the addressee. The step is the most expensive one for the shipper and, in addition, the most critical one, affecting customer satisfaction.

Hybrid work, new employee expectations and challenges faced by employers
With two years of pandemics, our work habits and needs have changed, particularly the location we work in. What has changed? What do employees now expect, and what do companies need to comply with – despite their worries?

Rule Builder in Shopware 6. A tutorial for e-commerce owners
Rule Builder can be compared to a command center where you give direction to your customer’s journey and personalize it. With just a few clicks, you can set up even very complex scenarios related to content management, shipping procedures or payments.

How to increase the effectiveness of promotional campaigns
We all love promotions and discounts. They not only allow us to save money, but also feel like we’re grabbing a great deal. So it’s no surprise that retailers regularly prepare various promotional campaigns.

Marketplace as an additional online sales channel
When selling online, we want to reach as many customers as possible. Marketplaces are one of the ways to do that. This article describes their potential.

Lockdown and digital transformation
The lockdown resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic affected the operations of many industries, including e-commerce. What impact has the accelerated digitalisation of previously offline companies had on business?

Promotions in Shopware 6. A tutorial for e-commerce owners
E-commerce platforms provide their users with tools to create a certain set of rules for all or just specific groups. The special discounts are the most common trick for e-stores to increase their revenue, as well as to promote their brand.

Use e-commerce promotions to increase your sales
Clearance sales, special offers, and various gifts are often used by stores to promote sales. Customers love them, and if used wisely, they help sellers increase profitability and revenue.

E-commerce in time of a pandemic
How did COVID-19 affect e-commerce? How do stores handle the new situation? This you will learn from our article. We indicate industries that have grown and analyze trends in consumer behavior.

ECOmmerce – ecological responsibility in online businesses
Did e-commerce miss the eco and zero waste trends? Check what approach e-stores and their customers presents in matters of ecology and environmental protection.

What awaits us in 2020, or the most important trends in e-commerce
The dynamic growth of ecommerce continues, with trends and innovative solutions an integral part of it. What trends will dominate the ecommerce industry in 2020? We’ll try to answer this question in this article.

Why it is worth investing in e-commerce in the service industry
Ecommerce is not just about selling products, but also services. There’s still room for small and mid-sized businesses, which can enable their clients to quickly buy and pay online by having a website that facilitates using their services.

Summary of 2019 in e-commerce
The end of every year is the time when you usually sum up and analyze your activities so far to better plan your activities for the upcoming year. To make that task easier for all online store owners, we have prepared a 2019 e-commerce round-up.

Automation in e-commerce and how to implement it
Automation in e-commerce is not just marketing automation. There are many more processes that you can automate, including stock management and order processing. Learn how to implement automation in your store.

How to make the most of the holiday season in your online shop
The end of the year is the best sales period of the year for most online stores. What to do to make good use of it? We have some tips for you!

Online payments as a key element in e-commerce
We all know how important payments are for online sales – they are the final stage of the purchasing process. If you run an online store, a proper selection of the payment system is as crucial as the choice of an e-commerce platform.

Data anonymisation as a safe method of personal data protection
The year 2018 was the year of GDPR. The decision of the European Union to tighten up the rules on processing and protection of personal data has affected the activities of companies worldwide. Find out what it is and when to use data anonymisation.

Do clients like chatbots – about chatbots in e-commerce
It is hard to ignore the benefits of implementing a chatbot, especially that because of the current technology development, it is not difficult to build one.

Digital in 2019 – the most important trends and changes in social media, mobile and e-commerce
This is the 9th edition of the “Digital in 2019” report, and you will learn from it about changes in social media, e-commerce or the use of mobile devices.